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Monitoring disease for soybean.


Tomato Grower
By managing crop growth with AgroScout and by on time irrigating to avoid drought stress, proper fertilization, and reducing pest pressure had helped reduced further the incidence of disease outbreaks.

Foliar diseases that attack the leaves are often observed on soybeans  These diseases are caused primarily by fungi and bacteria. Some diseases such as frogeye leaf spot and soybean rust can reduce yields when they develop early in crop development and weather conditions favor disease development.

Accurate disease identification and an awareness of the potential for disease losses are essential for a successful crop yield. 

Agroscout’s algorithm is able to detect abnormalities on green leaves, it detects  the soybean diseases foliar symptoms, and large enough insects that appear on the leaf surface.


Comparing one field’s actual canopy coverage progress with the progress of the other fields gives the grower important information on growth rate and the time required till senescence.



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Crop type:





Soybean crop data analytics and supply intelligence with monitoring

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Monitoring disease for soybean.

By managing crop growth with AgroScout and by on time irrigating to avoid drought stress, proper fertilization, and reducing pest pressure had helped reduced further the incidence of disease outbreaks.

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Monitoring disease for soybean.

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