
Precision agriculture enables more efficient use of crop inputs including fertilizers, pesticides, tillage, and irrigation water.

On the ground

Capture images from your smartphone

From the air

Off-the-shelf drones autonomously scan your fields

From space

Satellite imagery for NDVI & RGB analysis

Learn more every season

With AgroScout you intuitively learn more from every growing season making your future efforts more profitable for everyone.


Crop diagnostic for pests and disease

  • Early detection means more targeted and less frequent applications, saving time and money over the season.
  • Get field-wide pest and disease detection down to leaf level.
  • Our AI-driven application analyses images from your field to identify a broad range of pests and diseases. 
  • Our professional agronomist reviews the report and verifies the application’s findings – so there is no doubt left.

Identify under supply with plant Stand count

  • Estimate stand count emergence for an early determination of seed quality, yield prediction, and whether to replant.
  • Later in the season, get a full stand count for precise information on the health of your field. 
  • Identify trouble zones in your field for yield losses.
  • Compare early estimates with actual growth later in the season.
  • Plan future agricultural operations and be proactive in replanting efforts.

Leaf index for Canopy coverage

  • Calculate the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of your crop canopy throughout the season for critical data to make the most informed decisions about chemical applications and irrigation
  • LAI is one of the key indicators used in plant ecology to assess plant health and provide important insights for better overall crop performance.
  • Evaluate plant growth throughout the growing season.

Improve crop health with Orthophoto

  • Hi-res images for a complete overview of the field. 
  • Compare week over week to observe trends and patterns. 
  • Zoom in to leaf level to get a closer look at trouble indicators.
  • Detect plant nutrition deficiencies and irrigation problems. 

Satellite monitoring with NDVI & RGB imagery

  • Satellite imagery including NDVI and RGB tells the story of crop canopy vigor the naked eye cannot perceive. 
  • Monitor field health and detect stress early to prevent irreparable damage before it happens.
  • Combined with our A.I. analysis you get a complete picture of your field health.

How it works

The AgroScout remote agronomy platform uses a simple, inexpensive, off the shelf drone. Our free app optimizes flight plans for the most efficient cross-field sampling with high-resolution geo-tagged images from your entire field. Easily mark the field you want to scout and the fully
autonomous drone does the rest. Get standard, high quality data sets. It can scout 5,000 plants across 50 acres in 20 minutes. Works with any crop to give you standard coverage across the field. Expand the number of fields you scout with higher accuracy and more confidence.

How it works

The AgroScout remote agronomy platform uses a simple, inexpensive, off the shelf drone. Our free app optimizes flight plans for the most efficient cross-field sampling with high-resolution geo-tagged images from your entire field. Easily mark the field you want to scout and the fully autonomous drone does the rest. Get standard, high quality data sets. It can scout 5,000 plants across 50 acres in 20 minutes. Works with any crop to give you standard coverage across the field. Expand the number of fields you scout with higher accuracy and more confidence.

AgroScout’s pledge for the planet

To help monitor and reduce chemical inputs per hectare. To guide for increasing yield and efficiency. To service monitoring cover crops across the whole year. To cooperate for carbon insetting by incorporating carbon-reducing processes for its partners and clients. We support agro-industry and growers reach their sustainability goals globally.

Any inquiries?

Let us address your inquiries. We are here for you? Contact us.